Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mr Science

I have just started up the Mr Science blog for my radio show on China Radio International. Listen in at 5.05pm Beijing time (8.05pm Sydney time) on Fridays at - then click "Easy FM".

The blog address is: Mr Science (

Annoyingly, people in China can't actually go to blogspot pages as they are blocked by the government (joining other offensive pages such as wikipedia and bbc-online). So, that's a shame, hopefully I'll republish somewhere else where CRIs listeners can log in, but until then, this is a great home for the blog and hopefully a whole bunch of other people can enjoy the popular science in the blog.

I've put up The end of the universe which is this Friday's show (31/3/2006) and The mathematics of looking beautiful (10/3/2006).

I'll get some audio up when it comes in.


Anonymous said...

great idea!
audio would be really good

Unknown said...

Audio is now up, anonymous. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

As an Aussie interested in science and music, you might want to check this out:

There seems to be more to their keyboard than meets the eye. Check out the "Expands Horizons" video on -- it's got the same fingering in a lot of different tunings. That's very interesting! You can't do that on a piano.

What's going on here?